Thursday, February 17, 2011

Potty Training the Monster

Overall it's going well. I'm doing Lora Jenson's 3 day training deal and I know I have a bunch of doubters out there but day three is here and we've just about conquered. 

Ashley threw away all her diapers on Tuesday morning and there's been no looking back. She mastered peeing on the potty yesterday and has been dry all day today.  She did however resist going poop on the potty and since she hadn't gone since Monday I knew today she had to go.  It's been a day of up/down, up/down, probably about 30 times an hour at times but she'd say "potty" we'd run get on, panic, get off and then repeat over and over.  Finally, we just camped out in the big bathroom upstairs and she did go on the potty and has been such a pleasant little girl ever since.  I definitely think we are on the way. 

Tomorrow we will try our first trek out and about.  Austin has therapy at 11:00 so she'll either go with us there or she'll go to daycare for a few hours.  We'll see.  Then Honeybees & Church on Saturday.  Lots of nice short outings in the coming days.  I'm sure she'll have a few accidents and maybe a setback or two but I'm cautiously optimistic at just how well this has gone three days in. 

Fingers crossed!! 


Renee said...

I love the 3 day method. Glad to hear it is working for you guys too!!

Unknown said...

Yay!! So happy that it has gone well! Just remember accidents will happen for awhile but, overall she is doing great! Good job super potty trainer!!:)

Sheila said...

That's amazing! Can I send you Malayna for 3 days??? LOL!

SkinnyMeg said...

Ugh, I'm sooooo dreading potty training! Glad it's working out for you :)

Dawn said...

Thank you all! Crossing my fingers for another dry day as we get ready to head out. She seems to be fine with clothes on so that is good.

Good luck to all the other potty trainers out there. And for everyone who says girls are easier. I deserve easier after the boys. Of course I probably didn't know what I was doing either.

Amy said...

Can Emma come too? She is half way there. Three days, WOW!

Jill said...

Ashley should to a commercial for this book she has been great @daycare