Sunday, August 19, 2007

Cancer Sucks

Those words were on a T-shirt of a Michigan Mom I met 3 years ago. She had a son that was born around the same time as Austin and we were in the same online December birth board. Her daughter was 10 and died the next year of a brain tumor. I know "E" was having problems with moving her arm and the doctors were holding off on looking into it. I mean she had a month wait for an appointment. Anyways, I remember vividly telling her it's not normal to not be able to move an appendage and told her to go to the ER. She listened and they quickly found out she had the tumor. The beginning of a nightmare. Another Mom on that December board had her baby "A" diagnosed with Leukemia in April that year, by September she was gone.

I followed A's and E's stories and still do check in on their websites frequently for family updates. Through them I've found other cancer kids to follow. It's absolutely heartbreaking and yet uplifting at the same time. I've seen kids die and seen others survive. I just thank God daily that my immediate family has not been hit by such an atrocious disease.

A year ago my cousin Kelsey, I can use her name since she's family and all you readers all know her anyways was diagnosed with cancer. What a way to spend your senior year of high school. I know there were many days that I was terribly worried she would not make it. Well today she is officially cancer free and we celebrated with her. She had the most wonderful get together at her home. We also got to see her wonderful doctors from U of M and met a few other cancer kids who are continuing in their fight. We also met two parents who had lost their precious boy in the winter, he wasn't even two years old. Life is so precious, children aren't supposed to die before their parents and I'm sure it is every parents greatest fear.

So I'll ask you all to give God thanks for saving Kelsey but also pray for healing for those still in their courageous fight, and comfort to those family members who lost their cancer battle. And hold your little ones a little tighter tonight; be thankful for all you are given.

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