The tourney was in Toronto and we got to see the Hockey Hall of Fame and Joe found a ritzy mall with an Apple store. Canadians, true to their stereotype we found are very friendly and helpful. I was surprised at how diverse the population was, I didn't expect that in Canada. I do know for sure that they don't live in igloos or eat blubber. ;)
Tommy's team got absolutely blistered. They would play well for a while and then would just collapse like a house of cards. By the end of the tourney they were trying to put an end to all superstitions and bring luck anyway they could. On the last game they wore mismatched socks. It helped for about 2 periods. Tommy also thought he would be uber cool and had his stick taped in American flag tape, however the Canadians sure showed us.
Oh well, it was fun anyways. I think the kids and maybe the parents have more fun at the hotel anyways. One complaint in Canada is you can't just buy beer anywhere. You have to go to a highly taxed "Beer Store" it's really called "The Beer Store" and Teresa Kubiak can spot them a mile away. They also close at 9, except for the special ones which close at 10 which gave us ladies some trouble as we were trying to buy brews for our manly men. I guess that is the trade off for being able to buy it at 19 years old, you can't buy it at 1:59 in the morning.
Sunday we were done early so us and the Andriot's decided to travel a little farther into Canada and headed to Niagara Falls. We all enjoyed it. Joe and I had been there in 2000 when my Dad played in a tournament there, but the others in our group had not seen it. It is quite the sight to see and it was an absolutely perfect day weather wise. We had a nice lunch at the Hard Rock Cafe before heading out on the Maid of the Mist. It was misty.
In the pictures you can see that Tommy in all confidence is saying "we're #1!" Michael & Nicole are like "yeah sure, whatever you say Tommy." Then we have Joe, Michele, Kevin, and Austin finding out the hard way why it's called "The Maid of the Mist!" into the Horseshoe Falls. Everyone loved the boat ride at about $1 a minute for 15 minutes of fun!
Dawn you are a travel bug. Next thing you know you will go visit Joe in Maine.
Looks like the kids & adults had a lot of fun!
Dawn, sorry about Tommy's defeat! Hopefully they had fun. Niagara Falls is great and we loved the mist, as well:)
Thank you for commenting girls! I would love to go to Maine but I think with Florida in August we better not spend the money. Our CC is just a blazing lately.
I'm hoping I have some friends or a brother in Illinois I can go visit in July. That will be a nice econo trip. If I can find a friend to take me in. ;)
Looks like fun. Sorry Tommy's team lost. We are leaving for Canada for a week in July. Taking the boys to Canada's wonderland, Niagara Falls, and some drive thru zoo. Any other pointers for us other then the beer times? LOL
Have a great time Sherri! I would have loved to go to Canada's Wonderland. Other tips, hmmm...bring lots of money.
When you give them a $5.00 bill expect 2 coins back. They have Tooney's & Looney's $2 & $1 coins. I thought they were trying to short me not getting any paper back.
And plan for a long wait at the border. Yawn.
We did get the boys passports, b/c we didn't want to deal with the border crap...but will still plan on that. We took the boys to Canada's wonderland about 4 years ago, during a fast pitch tourney Adam had. Bryce was soo little that he don't remember any of it. We also went to the falls then too, and ate at the Hard Rock Cafe while there too. We didn't do the boat ride though, did you think it was worth it? Maybe we will this time, since they are older. Thanks for the tips. The boys are VERY excited about going.
I really like the boat ride but it is quick. $15 for adults and $8 for kids. I think it would be cool to walk behind the falls and there are all kinds of observations areas that you can climb to get good views. It would be awesome and refreshing on a super hot day.
We have to get passports next year. We were very quick through the border but the lines were horrible.
Sounds good, thanks Dawn. We leave July 26th (I think, last sat in July)come home the following sat. The hotel we got has 2 water slides in the pool area, so we will probably stay there AT LEAST 1 day to hang out and relax. We loved Canada's wonderland a few years ago, so it should be a blast again. Something different from MI adventure. Cedar Point is TOO big for Bryce, although Drew loved it 2 summers ago.
LOL @ Tommy and his #1, ahha. Nigara Falls is so beautiful - i'd love to go see it.
I think I know a awesome gracious person in IL who would take you in ;)
Cedar Point, now you're speaking my language. I haven't gotten to the Point yet this year. It's a must do though.
Deb - Thanks dear, when can I come?
Wow, no Cedar Point yet this year?? Are you sick? LOL!! Love the pictures, it definitely looked like a fun time. Stinks that Tommy's team lost, but everyone having fun was the important part. I haven't been to Canada in years, but I'd love to go back!!
NYC, then Canada? Wow-lucky you! But looking back in a few years you will be glad you were so well traveled. Love the pictures, the boys are gorgeous as usual :)
Thank you Heather & Angie for the sweet words! Life is good.
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