Tuesday, July 1, 2008

EEG Results

Yesterday we went down to UofM to see Austin's neurologist. The results were good for the most part. There was only one spike that they saw that indicates future seizure activity could be possible. Fever could definitely be a trigger so she urged us to treat any fevers very aggressively and she wants us to give the diastat immediately if he does seize.

He will be having an MRI in August to look at that "spike" a little more in depth. She should be able to see just how likely it will be for him to have another seizure and whether he should be on daily anti-seizure meds. I'm not looking forward to MRI day, sedation just makes me nervous.

Overall, the doc is very pleased with his progress. His language skills have really improved and she was excited to hear he is going to Kindergarten. His right side neglect is still evident though as she put an Elmo to his left and he could see it, but the same distance from his right he couldn't see it. It's weird, his vision is ok but he just ignores things from the right. I just tested it and I walked up from behind to his left and he noticed me right away as soon as I was alongside him. Then from the right I had to be in front of him before he finally turned and said "what." Kind of in a what the heck are you doing kind of "what." That neglect is evident.

In other news, Joe is in Maine this week and will be gone for much of July as they get ready to open a new office. We talk on Skype, the boys think that is the coolest. I think we are going to hit New China today since he's gone. It's not his favorite place to eat but Tommy & I love it! There are small perks to him being gone. No alarm clock at 5:30 is another. ;) Love ya hubby!

Happy July everyone!


Jill said...

I'm glad the test results are coming back with promising news. I'll pray that the MRI goes well and the results bring promising news as well. One perk about Mike being gone is the house seems to stay clean longer =)

sherri and Adam said...

what's with both your hubbies being gone...and mine is still home?!?! I'm jealous, LOL (J/K)

Glad little Aus is doing good. Will pray for no more seizures and that he does great for his MRI.

Love the new pics BTW

Dawn said...

Ugh, blogger just ate my comment.

Anyways, yeah Jill and I are FMI widows. And Joe doesn't even like seafood, at least Mike does! Funny about your house being cleaner.

Sherri - You are so silly. ;)

Thanks for the Austie love girls.

Barbara said...

The test results sound pretty good. I understand about the MRI nervousness - Bennett had one a couple months ago and the sedation was the worst part for me. For him though it seemed to be easy. He slept, he woke up, he ate, he played.

Amy said...

Wonderful news, thus far!! Keeping those fingers crossed for more better news!!

Austin is a super "Papesh" nothing gets him for too long!

BTW - Dennis has been gone all week, too! I love not having to cook dinner:)

Dawn said...

Barbara - I'm glad that Bennett's MRI went well. Puts my mind more at ease.

Amy - Thank you!! We should have went to Cedar Point this week, I forgot Dennis was gone. We have to go real soon!

Amy said...

Pick a date!!!

Dawn said...

Well darn, today would have been perfect! When is Dennis coming home? You pick!

Jill said...

Dawn I'm glad the news is good for my Little Man.
I wish my husband would go for a work trip!
Sherri I'm feeling your jealousy.

Dawn said...

Jill - Thank you! Sorry Mike is driving you bonkers. You're not wishing you were back to work yet or anything are you?

Lisa said...

news is good so far thank goodness for that. My nephew cameron is the same way with the right eye. Keep up the good work austin. you keep tryin buddy. you were awesome swinging that bat last night!!!!

Dawn said...

Thank you Lisa! He loved playing ball with you last night. He's a regular Curtis Granderson. Cameron is doing so awesome, he's definitely a kid others can look up to on how to conquer disabilities!

* ~ *Jessica* ~ * said...

I'd kinda like to send my hubby away for a few days... with the kids of course. Or, better yet- send me away to the beach with a margarita!!! :)
Glad things are going well in the northern US.

Dawn said...

The beach with a Margarita! LOL Jess - Quite a few discontented wives visiting me lately. ;) Joe made it home today, I'm not ready to send him back quite yet.

Sheila said...

Glad the results are good. I'll pray that the MRI goes as well. Malayna had one when she was 6 months old and the sedation went fine. She actually woke up in the middle of it so they had to give her more medication, but she still woke up right after coming out and was fine. I'm sure Austin will do the same. He's a tough little guy! That's interesting about the right side stuff too. I'll have to walk up behind Malayna and see if she does the same. I know she ignores her right hand quite often and we have to remind her it's there.

Dawn said...

Thanks for the advice Sheila - I know I shouldn't worry. I think I get nervous more about him not being able to eat for so long before and being miserable. You'll have to let me know what you think about Malayna's neglect. It's definitely interesting.