Monday, June 16, 2008

New York! New York!

Hello all from Lupe, Amy, Jill, and your humble correspondent. No not Bill O'Reilly. We are having a wonderful time! We've done so many exciting things and have a ton of pictures to share when we have a moment.

Today we had the taxi get into a fender bender.
Got caught in the rain twice.
Jill got stung by something and her eye blew up.
Our hotel didn't have our reservations.

And that is just the craziness! Everything else has been wonderful. The weather for the most part was beautiful. The room is great on the 35th floor. Jill has recovered from her allergy. We had a fabulous bus tour of the city, I feel like I know NY. The city at night is amazing! It's just sublime and as I look out the window, it's almost midnight and the place is still crazy just as Joe said it would be.

Will fill you in more another day but for now I'm thinking that the morning will come quickly. Be on the lookout for us tomorrow morning on the Today show.

I Love NY! But not enough to live here. ;)

Good night all!


Julie said...

It is ok to love NYC but we look forward to your coming home soon.

Debbie said...

Oh wow, can't wait to hear those stories - talk about wild! Great pics!

Heather said...

Great pics Dawn! I love NYC too. So much to do and see.

Dawn said...

Thanks girls!

Heather - And lucky you living so close these days! Plus you have the beach, DC, etc.

Deb - My stories don't hold a candle to your crazies!